Completion of "Intimate Partner Violence: Bi+ Inclusive Practice Report".
The purpose of this project was to collaborate with organisations working in violence prevention and response (Safe and Equal and Berry Street) to create bi+ inclusive practice resources, and to improve outcomes for bi+ women in their care.
Bi+ women experience high rates of IPV (intimate partner violence), are often failed by the health and justice systems and yet are largely invisible from current IPV frameworks and practice.
Misogyny and biphobia intersect to produce bimisogyny, which fetishizes and villainizes bisexuality, resulting in stereotypes and prejudices about bi+ women, including that they are promiscuous and deceitful, and that bisexuality is a temporary or unstable orientation. Bimisogyny is both a driver of violence against bi+ women and a barrier to bi+ women accessing appropriate support.
Significant work is needed to develop interventions which prevent and respond to these stereotypes to create safer communities for bi+ women.
The report contains five recommendations to address these issues.
Citation: Loomis, A, Mountford, R., Muller, J., McKay, P., & Grigg, M. (2023). Intimate Partner Violence: Bi+ Inclusive Practice Report. Melbourne Bisexual Network.